Monday, October 27, 2014

The Watcher/ Agent Provocateur

The watcher, was a big surprise to me. I was photographing down in the Big Pine creek floodplane on a early fall day looking for interesting bugs, it turned into a very good day. This shot is of the end of a log that was once probably a 200 year old Red Oak, and with the amount of fungus growing on it in various places it was cut down a long time ago. Red Oak of that size takes a long time to return from whence it came, so there is plenty of time for many of the local Flora and Fauna to find and make a home of it.

I saw all these wonderful colors of various fungi adorning the cut, that still had the marks of the chain saw that had ended its grandure, and the mushroom/Toadstools that were busy trying to return it to the soil, so I set my tripod up and determined to get the best image I could.

When finally I got home to process the days images, I looked at this image and saw that while I was shooting I was being sized up, by the local predator. I was delightedly surprised, this spider was about 2-1/2 inches leg to leg. A formidable hunter. And did not appear to be retreating from me, quit the contrary,Whatcher he looked . . . interested.

I would like to add that there is a lighter, well not lighter version but one that clears up some of the darker areas in this image, I thought about putting that image on the blog instead, but decided to go which what I like better, mystery. I think this image is just a bit more mysterious , and so in my mind more "interesting", if less clear, and clean. Oh well, we sacrifice, for what we love.

James Longster, © 2014

The Watcher


  1. I'm not one for bugs. But you're wrong, Jim. The watcher actually crept up from the flower pot in the Cube House below.

  2. LOL! Really, looks like he moved from Uptown to the " 'Burbs" then. He appears to be not so upwardly mobile.
    Thanks for the succinct, comment.

  3. I sent you a private email with a modified version of this excellent photograph. In it I made the spider much more visible. But at the end of it it was a mistake because it went against the spirit of this piece of art. This is what you are and what you want to do, and the onlooker must adjust to it.

    This is a fundamental trait of your personality, see? Not easily revealed, not for everybody too. Always a part of you protected by fences. I know I've got many of them myself.

    All in all, a splendid work of art. Totally different from the cave a few posts back where you showed that you could also make exploding and almost joyous colours splashing all over the place.

    Good work, even if I hate to say so. :-)

  4. Thank you Roger. I have a version that is similar to the one you made, and it does show the spider with more clarity, as a matter of fact I think that we worked on that image while you were here maybe the first time, in an effort to make it print better (the hated over dark image print issue), but I keep coming back to this one. I like that you have to look in order to see him, it was a bit like when I shot it and didn't see him till I got home to postP the image.

    In this image I like that he falls a bit into the darkness, and I suppose that is because of that, to quote you, "This is a fundamental trait of your personality, see? Not easily revealed, not for everybody too. Always a part of you protected by fences". You are so right, but what this trait, covers up I dod not know, maybe a closet love of the mysterious?

    Always thanks, for the comment and compliment!


Feel free to comment on the image or my comments about my image.