Monday, October 13, 2014


This time I have two images treated in two different ways, Both have been "Tonemapped," but with different post processing and different "Mapping" Techniques. I would love any opinions, and also would like to know your preferred image.

This was taken several years ago in "Union Pier MI," at the town Jetty/Harbor. there had been a storm out on Lake Michigan the night before and the wind was still quit up.


  1. Hello my friend,

    The first one certainly looks much more "natural" if this is any important. The second one is too blue IMHO. But in the first one, diminishing the light on the rocks seems a good idea. Or perhaps boosting a bit the contrast on the lower part of the image, I don't know…

  2. Yes image two is Very Blue, but I like it as well as the less modified image. Sometimes I like things that are not "reality. as you well know." But, as you say it is VERY BLUE. Thanks for the comment, you opinion is always welcome, and well considered.

    1. Who am I to contradict you, Master, me a simple Nobody and Prophet? :-) I see your point and it's well received. I think that what bothers me a bit is perhaps the apparition of noise due to the fact that this image was shot with a camera not able to give sufficient depth. Or am I mistaken?

      Life's hard for the pros…

    2. Roger, in this case I think it is intended, in this particular choice in Photomatix, once again we are limited by the resolution, I think the "noise" in the sky in this case was intended to be a "graininess" rather than noise, but I take you point, and always appreciate well intended and thought out critiques! Thank you very much!

  3. Bonjour
    Je ne suis pas vraiment une professionnelle de la photo loin s'en faut ..mais juste un ressenti pour ces deux photos , je préfère la première qui me semble plus naturelle , j' y vois beaucoup plus de lumière mais je ne m y connais pas vraiment !
    Je repasserais vous voir avec grand plaisir !
    Bonne journée

    1. Thank you, for your comment, it is much appreciated. I used Tonemapping to do some drastic changing to these two images in an attempt to see what my viewers thought of the differences in the two choices. The bottom image is a bit surreal in the colors and the slight "grungyness" of the colors. The sky come out a bit like it has "color noise" in it but that is part of the set of choices I used in my software. It was an experiment to find out, what is acceptable and what is less acceptable in a photo Blog like mine. As my friend Roger Gauthier has pointed out to me in the past, I have a tendency to not follow the "Rules of Photography," and he is very correct in his belief. I thank you for visiting my Blog and hope to see you back soon!

  4. Our opinions are coloured (ha ha) by the fact that you are showing both images. My feeling is, of course, that the first image looks more natural and I prefer it Now, if this were NOT a nature scene, it would be a different matter. Strangely enough, I'd say that if you're going to play with tone mapping on a nature scene, then go all the way.

  5. Ha, well it seems with the early vote counting, this is the predominent choice. Thank you for your comment Helene, as always it is appreciated!



Feel free to comment on the image or my comments about my image.