Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ice Cave: Light is Everything.

This is something that most people do not know about Indiana, winter can be beautiful . . . if you know where to look; I do and Roger and I went to look for one of those places, and Turkey Run State Park is where we found it on this occasion.

We drove down on the first day, got to the location, after dragging our tripods, cameras, and lenses up inside the canyons of Turkey Run. It was beautiful all through the walk to the site, we got set up and started shooting, and then the light just went away, just gone. we had had to walk over some iffy ice (shallow water underneath) to get to our spot so it was not an easy location to get to, so the loss of the light was pretty disappointing. We decided then and there that we would be more careful about our timing and come back the next day, hoping that nature would be nicer to us.

We arrived an hour, or maybe a little earlier the next day, and found COLOR, color everywhere, we went mad, and the shutters echoed down the canyons. Even when the sun is in the right location shooting in a canyon is tricky business, with trees up to the edge on top that could block the light at any moment. With the sun moving slowly, going away for a few seconds to a few minutes, and with only a narrow angle down inside the canyon that would work for us, we shot like the mad men we were, but this day Everything was right. We got image, after image of unbelievable color, and light.

So with fat, full CF cards, we came home to see what we had gotten; Ice Cave, is but one of many we got that day.

NOTE: There is very little that was done to this image, other than some sharpening, and the stiching needed to combine two images, these colors were there just as you see them. The colors are caused by minerals leaching through the soil over the millennia. We were just witnesses to one of the many places, that nature seems to have made for Photographers . . . we were just there at the right time.

James Longster, © 2014

Ice Cave: Light is Everything.


  1. This image is pure poetry. Let's not forget that there is a lot of work here, first by choosing the right moment and day, and then by recreating on the computer what our eyes had seen.

    A great work of art.

    1. Yes indeed, I this case it was our dedication to going back the next day to try and "get the light," and because we were so dedicated we were rewarded with just what we needed.

      I am a bit surprised that yours in the only comment so far on this image. I am greatly appreciative of it, and hope that this reply, and your first, will get it rolling!


Feel free to comment on the image or my comments about my image.