I saw all these wonderful colors of various fungi adorning the cut, that still had the marks of the chain saw that had ended its grandure, and the mushroom/Toadstools that were busy trying to return it to the soil, so I set my tripod up and determined to get the best image I could.
When finally I got home to process the days images, I looked at this image and saw that while I was shooting I was being sized up, by the local predator. I was delightedly surprised, this spider was about 2-1/2 inches leg to leg. A formidable hunter. And did not appear to be retreating from me, quit the contrary,Whatcher he looked . . . interested.
I would like to add that there is a lighter, well not lighter version but one that clears up some of the darker areas in this image, I thought about putting that image on the blog instead, but decided to go which what I like better, mystery. I think this image is just a bit more mysterious , and so in my mind more "interesting", if less clear, and clean. Oh well, we sacrifice, for what we love.
James Longster, © 2014
The Watcher