Sunday, October 12, 2014

I am going to be adding the ability to look at my images at a much larger resolution in the very near future. but the larger images will carry a larger watermark. But I am not fully decided on doing this yet, the water mark that is, so I would like opinions on this from other Photographers/artists. The question is: do I watermark heavily, or just look for abuses of, copyright infringement and then contact the offender? Opinions open.


  1. You've got a minor problem, Jim. Apparently your blog is not updated in my blogs list when you publish new post. There is a setting somewhere that must be changed, I don't remember which one, darned!

    We'll have to look through settings one by one, no way around it. Because you absolutely want to have your blog on top of the lists when you publish new content.

    This may be related to the fact that you chose (or not) to have RSS feed.

  2. OK, I checked again and it seems to be working correctly… but not very fast. I mean, you published today at 3:49 PM right? In my blog list, your blog went to the top… but it's written "two hours ago" which is clearly not true (it is not 9:42 PM).

    I'll watch this closely and report.


    This is rather touchy. You are choosing to publish bigger than usual web images, but obviously not big enough for good printing in acceptable image sizes. In my case I publish 1600x2400 images or thereabouts, which is enough to give a decent 5x8 in print, not more than that. So people cannot make big prints out of them.

    Now the question: will people steal your images? Sure. If they think they can get away with it, they will use them on there own blog, often pretending that those images are theirs. Or they will use your image, adding a dead link to your blog, without permission. Way to go. I've found several of my images on other blog and websites strictly by luck.

    Do you put a big watermark across your image? I would rather not, but that's a personal matter. Look at what José Ramón does: bigger that what I would do, but still rather muted. I guarantee that I can get rid of this kind of watermark rather easily if need be.

    I'm thinking of putting a bigger "artphotokebek" in my images but it kills me…

  4. I agree, on all points Roger. The size, the addition of a irritating water mark, and the fact that since it is on the web it will be stollen. Oh well I guess, it is a form of flattery, however passing one of my images off as someone else's work, now that would bother me.


Feel free to comment on the image or my comments about my image.