Saturday, October 25, 2014

I was here: remember me.

On the same day that I took “Ice Cave: light is everything” I took this image of a red clay hand print on an old sandstone boulder that had fallen out of the cliff face centuries, or eons ago. This was a very cold (for Indiana) day and the handprint flashed me back to the Paleolithic art in the Lascaux Caves of SouthWestern France.

It was like this century just evaporated, and I was left waiting for a mammoth or a Cave Bear to come trundling around the canyon bend. Though the hand print was new, at most a month or so old, being slightly protected from the rain by the cliff faces, It was my transport to a different age, where men were men, and cave bears cleaned their teeth with our bones.

It is the traditional ageless calling card, the handprint saying I was here, I was/am alive. I love it, it calls me. Jim

James Longster, © 2014



  1. OK. This image is a potential stunner, no doubt. Just look at those phenomenal colours! But…

    Because there is a but, as is often the case with me as you well know. I'm not sure that I like the bottom left corner, out of focus as it is… I wonder what would be the result if you cropped it out? Just sayin' :-)

  2. Bonsoir
    Merci pour cette discussion passionnante entre vous et Roger !!
    Du coup j'en apprends beaucoup sur l'art et la matière !!
    Bonne soirée à vous deux

  3. Thank you both for your comments, Roger: after looking at that side of this image, and this being one of those images that the cry is missing for I will probably have to crop it, as you suggested, though that bit of softness should have been taken care of by another shot . . . .damnit I didn't take one, OR it went away with the rest of the cr2s from this shoot :( . Claudine, thank you for the comment, Roger and I have known each other for some years now, and since we have driven several times up to him, and he has driven down to us on more occasions we have developed a this method of critiquing that works for us. Few words but to the point, we both have our strong points, and I have my weak points, (I'm still looking for Roger's).

    What I think I will do is fill the soft focus parts with the shadowed hint of what might be there, then crop in closer, so as to not make the left side totally black, that would not even work for me . . . . . unless I add something from another image , . . . . . . hummmmm???

    1. YOU ARE SO FUNNY! Well, at least, it looks hilarious to me. Just imagine if I could write and speak that language of yours…

      Tell me, you did crop the image, did you not? :-) Praise be to my name… Just joking of course.

  4. Oh, you need help finding Roger's weaker points? Why didn't you just ask me??!? I could give you a few (ha!) pointers.

    The "I was there" bit moved me also. I'd rather have a handprint than two crudely etched initials any day. I like the rock textures.

  5. You and me both! I think that the hand print is a nod to those that went so far before us. That (the Nod) was what caught me the most I think.
    Thanks for the comment Helene!


Feel free to comment on the image or my comments about my image.