Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Three Tones of Winter

“Horizon,” is still one of my favorite images from the past. It is a stark image, a lonely image, but so beautiful in its simplicity.

This is one of those images that you have to look at for a while to appreciate it, at lest that is the response I have gotten in the past. It absolutely does not follow the rules of Photography, but it works (for me) as it is.

I don’t expect much in the way of comments on this image, I guess because it is a very personal, and very stark image. Besides, what are you going to say? Nice tonality, it is just a 3 tone grey image. with little or no detail except in the center. I like it though.

James Longster, © 2014



  1. Bonsoir
    C'est vrai qu'il n'y a pas grand chose à die sur cette photo .....sourires
    Moi elle me donne froid ..je n'aime pas vraiment la neige ..il faut dire qu'en Bretagne (France ) on en voit peu !!
    Mais en plus tu nous ne nous incites pas à commenter .....rires !!!!!
    Bonne soirée

  2. Replies
    1. I like that! Photographic Haiku! I actually wrote one for an image that I used as a desktop for a long time.
      "Icy the Moonshine
      Shadow of a tombstone
      Shadow of a Pine"
      The image was a dark red Dragonfly, on a very dark (green) background.

  3. Et si je t'écrivais en français pour une fois, cher ami ?

    No, I won't do that, youʼre a friend after all even if you don't speak French. :-) You had already shown me this image. I will say here what I said before: it takes some daring, the desire to provoke… No, maybe not that, maybe simply you thought people would have to adapt and try to understand.

    Beauty lies in the obliteration of all rules: horizon in the centre, almost no contrast, wide white or grey surfaces. And yet it's fascinating.

    Beauty lies in this simple design.

    1. Thank you for the comment Roger. I think it either hits you, or you look at it and think, what poorly shot image no middle ground for this one. Actually that could be said about a lot of my images I think, you like it or you don't not much middle ground.


Feel free to comment on the image or my comments about my image.