Monday, October 20, 2014

Basement in the Dark

Well, I thought that the background image to my blog header should be shown to you at some time, and I suppose that now is as good a time as any, and it is the "poster child" for the darker image concept, more or less, so here it is.

This image is a moderately manipulated image, well moderately is a total lie, it is heavily modified, with many combined and modified layers. It was no where near as dark an image in the original CR2, but it turned into this DarkerImage, after some time.

When I took this image I almost threw it away, but for some reason I kept it, and it languished on my hard drive until I rediscovered it and started playing with it.

It seems to me that most Photographers do not spend a lot of time in manipulation. They may clean the colors up, sharpen the image, but that seems to be as far as most of them go. I do not sit down and whip out an image I am satisfied with at one shot, as the image intent may change in the middle as I see some other concept, emotional potential, in it. In this case, I don't remember how many sessions it took to get what I wanted, but get it I did, at least to my satisfaction.

James Longster, © 2014

Shadows Hide things


  1. Shadows, huh? Fancy that. What a coincidence.

    Darker than dark and the white "aura" on the floor surrounding the red is ominous. Again, very powerful.

  2. Thank your Husband for the help in giving it the size to be that powerful. Larger IS better, as long as the image is good to start with. Again thanks for the compliment!

  3. J'en ai des choses à apprendre pour pouvoir creer une telle ambiance avec une de mes photos !!
    Bravo à vous !
    Bonne soirée

    1. Thank you very much, a lot of making this kind of image is being in, or finding the right place. hen imagining what you want to make the looker feel, the emotion is in the viewer, you lead them only, where they take is not up to you.


Feel free to comment on the image or my comments about my image.