This Damsel Fly was shot on our last day at my friend’s House in Blainville, QC. It was not quite as flighty as most of it brethren and sisteren (funny huh?)
Not much to really say about the bug other than I think that it may have died an early death, because it appears to have a large number of eggs that have been laid on it. Though I don’t think I would like to meet the bug that can lay eggs on one of the most skilled killers in the insect world. I take that back yes I would, camera in hand of course.
image details: Canon 5Ds r, 100mm f2.8 L macro, Shot at F16, Tripod (of course), 580EX strobe, and ISO 400.
James Longster, © 2014
Well, These Crocus were shot on March 8th, a day that got to 60°F. here. Today, however, it is 28°, and looking at the teens for lows for the next 4-5 days, long enough and low enough to be a disaster for many fruit trees and flowering landscape bushes. So in an effort to save the plants that are already attempting to flower we will be covering, or trying to cover, several of our new landscape bushes. Hopefully this will be enough to save them.
In the meantime, I shot these, in my standard “DarkerImage” style, played a bit with the color, not much, but some.
James Longster, © 2014
Too Early
This Shot was taken with my friend Roger. We were hoping for more Ice . . . too warm. I did find one Ice sickle which I got one decent shot of, then Roger say what I was shooting he rushed over, got set up, and the ice sickle fell to the rocks . . . .
But, since this canyon has its own micro climate, there was still a fair amount of color, and the interesting rock formations So we were only somewhat disappointed.
This is a four shot HDR (High Dynamic Range) it is a combination of all 4 images combining the best exposed elements of the four images, producing one image that is somewhat flat (requiring more post processing to give a bit more feeling of depth. I will be continuing in that effort, but I decided to post it anyway, just to see the reaction.
For those who like numbers, this image is 853.3 MB, @16bit depth. printable at 300 dpi, and 55” in the horizontal length. Don’t need 300dpi, but I have it.
James Longster, © 2014
Canyons of Indiana