Monday, July 3, 2017

At Deaths Door?

This Damsel Fly was shot on our last day at my friend’s House in Blainville, QC. It was not quite as flighty as most of it brethren and sisteren (funny huh?)

Not much to really say about the bug other than I think that it may have died an early death, because it appears to have a large number of eggs that have been laid on it. Though I don’t think I would like to meet the bug that can lay eggs on one of the most skilled killers in the insect world. I take that back yes I would, camera in hand of course.

image details: Canon 5Ds r, 100mm f2.8 L macro, Shot at F16, Tripod (of course), 580EX strobe, and ISO 400.

James Longster, © 2014



  1. Ah ha ! Excellent. I think that I saw that one already, not sure where nor why nor how nor when nor… :-)

    About the eggs, I don't know. I don't know how these little things lay their own eggs for example. And the way the eggs are placed do not fit with another species doing that, IMHO.

  2. According to these are mites, not eggs, but they are Parasitizing the Damsel.

  3. Didn't know that. It doesn't seem to affect the damselfly too much though.

  4. Yea, not at this point anyway.


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